Lily FRRR 117U

"Lily" FRRR117U  Horned White Ewe (single to a one winter ewe)
Daughter of our treasured ewe Lindi. Grandaughter of AI rams Gaddur and Lundi. This gal is broad and blocky, just really nice conformation. Not bred as a one winter ewe because she was a June baby. The Lundi/Gaddur breeding looks to be a real winner so far. Lily was an excellent mother to her twins in 2010.
D.O.B. June 7, 2008
Lambing record: nb,2
Carries: ??? could carry anything...moorit, mouflon and/or spotting or she could be homozygous white.
Total percentage of AI bloodlines: 62.5% 
AI rams in her pedigree: 25% Lundi, 25% Gaddur, 12.5% Serkur
Other notable ancestors: The popular ram Hokan (BLW 453M) is her great-grandfather on both the top and bottom of her pedigree.
Price: NFS
Lily is bred to King for spring 2011 lambs.

Lily's lambs are available to be reserved.