Jack Frost TCE 631X

"Jack Frost" TCE 631X Horned White Icelandic Ram - single
We are so very pleased to add this ram to the flock. We are trying to improve the meat characteristics in our flock, and this boy should be perfect for that job. Wide throughout the back, chest, and rear, plus excellent muscling. This is one well built ram!  He doesn't have the high percentage of AI bloodlines that some rams have, but it doesn't matter with this guy. He is built like a high percentage ram. He also has those wonderful, wide horns from the Grimur bloodline. His disposition is very quiet and easy going, so far. We can't hardly wait to see his lambs this spring!
Jack's first lambs have hit the ground, and they are as nice as we had hoped! Plus, he still has the same mild temperament that he had when he first arrived in the fall. 
D.O.B. May 4, 2010
Carries: Black and moorit. Could carry spotting. Patterns are white and solid.
Total percentage of AI bloodlines: 43.75%
AI rams in his pedigree: 12.5% Grimur, 12.5% Moli, 6.25% Morro, 6.25% Bambi, 3% Heli, 3% Hnykill