Grandaughter of AI ram Gaddur. Friendly and curious. Not bred as a one winter ewe. Very solidly built ewe. Despite the leader sheep bloodlines in her background, she is not built like one at all. Fauna is one of those ewes that you never have to worry about, as she is a very keeper, and she took excellent care of her babies last year. I am finding that I really like these ewes that have a bit of leader sheep genetics in their backgrounds. My observations are that they are quite hardy, more parasite resistant and quite intelligent (but not too much so! :o) They also have better meat qualities than the lines that have strictly leader sheep bloodlines.
Dam: Sylvia (linked)
Sire: Taurus (linked)
D.O.B. May 5, 2008
Lambing record: nb,2,2
Color and pattern genes: Black and mouflan, not sure of anything else.
Total percentage of AI bloodlines: 66%
AI rams in pedigree: 25% Gaddur, 9.375% Biskup, 6.25% each of Serkur, Ari, Prestur, Biskup, Hnykill
Flock dispersal price for Fauna and her twin ewe lambs $600 SOLD
The sire is King Midas